It allows to calculate and analyze performance in an efficient and personalized manner
Performance analysis of investment portfolios using ratios and metrics, considering the assumed risks. (Net/gross returns, Sharpe Ratio, betas, Tracking error, VaR, etc…)
Wide range of models and methodologies to analyze the origin of performance regarding to its benchmarks.
Portfolio performance compared to a customizable benchmark (an index, basket of indices, etc …) or the risk free interest rate
Aurora’s commercial report module is a tool that allows to generate and present reports, both of its own results and the position against the competition, presenting the key data in a structured and simple way for a better understanding by the client
Cloud technology solution and Big Data infrastructure, providing users with agility, scalable and automatic processing capacity, unlimited storage capacity and easy integration with other systems of the entity
Native solution
in an ecosystem
of AWS Cloud services
Distributed computing and
hardware scalability
Integration with optimized information calculation, storage and operation services
(34) 917 814 584
Claudio Coello, 78
28001 Madrid
(34) 917 814 584
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